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Statement of Problem
  • Oil producing companies rely heavily on large energy service companies to run their activities, and produce their hydrocarbons.
  • However, these large energy service companies are few and consolidated.
  • Furthermore, it is common knowledge that these energy service companies are very expensive. 
Proposed Solution
  • A platform by/on/through which various oilfield, and energy-related services can be provided.
  • A client needing help with any of such services will upload its request to this Alzare platform and have qualified experts provide a fit-for-purpose solution that cater to the unique needs of the client.
  • Being an asset-light platform, the Alzare platform can afford to provide the same quality service offered by the large energy service providers, but at a much reduced cost, since it has a lower overhead.
  • Rather than go to the large energy service companies and be charged so much, why not come to Alzare and receive the same service (by the same subject matter experts/professionals), at a much reduced cost.
  • These energy professionals, of course will be paid a fee for providing the products and services. 

How It Works

Have You Historically Relied On Traditional Oilfield Service (OFS) Companies? Alzare Can Provide You The Same High Quality Service, At A Reduced Cost.